Violence Ends, Heatwave Begins

Weather: Cloudy start, glorious afternoon and evening
Mood: Focused, productive
Word: "Pax", period of peace and stability, i.e. Pax Brittanica
Rosie: Insisted on us rubbing noses together like Eskimos
Lunch: Lasagne, Twix
Exercise: Short stroll at lunch, little more
Booze: Two glasses of Blackwood Ridge chardonnay
Purchased: Twix and chewing gum at lunchtime
Media: Audiobook of Le Carré's "Spy Who Came In From The Cold"
Notes: Awoke before my alarm at 6am, so spent half an hour writing up a blog on my half marathon at the weekend before getting ready for the day. Busy morning in the office going to press, so treated myself to a sunbathe on the grass overlooking the coastline at lunch. Evening spent helping prepare tea of sausages, potatoes & veg and then, while Ruth continued to work on her freelance project, I watched Manchester City get beat by Bayern Munich in the Champions League.
Blog: Steven Pinker is one of my intellectual heroes, and although his strong suit is normally psychology & linguistics, I really enjoyed this historical view of violence and how our generation sometimes forgets how fortunate we are to live in an age of relative tranquility. Maybe us humans aren't so bad after all. That said, the article did underline for me how important it is that the global economy rides out this rough patch, as should the present balance of producer nations (China, Russia) and debtor nations (the US, UK) be disrupted too much, we might found ourselves back on the track to war.
Photo: View of sunny Southend and the pier.
