Sore Feet, Run to the Beat

Weather: Misty start, warm afternoon, wet evening
Mood: Exhausted, but elated
Word: Troika (trio of Greek gods - the IMF, EU and ECB)
Rosie: She decided to join me in the bath after my half marathon, shattering the aura of calm
Lunch: Rolls, cheese scone, whole carrot
Exercise: Zero, running 13.1 miles yesterday was enough
Booze: Glass of Chilean Melbec (Ocaso)
Purchased: Nada, but added Wish You Were Here vinyl to my Amazon Wish List
Media: Read the Guardian saturday supplements on train, watched Norwich win on Sky
Notes: Managed my longest sleep (9 hours) for some time after yesterday's half marathon. Felt surprisingly upbeat this morning despite my exertions, but stiffness and exhaustion had overcome me by mid-morning, and I found myself tucking in to lunch at 11:30am. Corrected the proofs for the latest issue, and wrote editorial. Upon arriving in London to heavy rain showers, I immediately regretted my decision to wear espadrilles (so much for talk of a heatwave!). Lasagne for tea, then retire to the couch and watch Norwich v Sunderland on Sky. Good win for the Canaries.
Blog: Found this story in today's New York Times particular relevant (and inspiring) given my participation in yesterday's Run to the Beat. The bottom line of the article is that age really is no barrier to marathon running, and that in fact the average age of male marathon runners has increased from 34 to 40 over the past 20 years. It also stresses the importance of good footwear, something I found out about to my cost (blisters!) yesterday.
Photo: Team Dave at Run to the Beat.
